New manga: Yattane Taechan

やったねたえちゃん! 第01巻

Flicked through the first raw volume of this new manga and it seems to have potential. The artwork is pretty cute, it seems to have a decent plot with some pretty gruesome action, but the icing on the cake is a degree of fanservice threaded throughout every chapter!

In particular, the main girl is quite cute, and the mangaka draws panties with a genius level of attention to detail – every crease and curve is lovingly depicted, and that includes a faint cameltoe! Even better, panty-shots a thrust into as many pages as possible!

Tae-chan is an adorable school-girl whose normal appearance doesn’t give away a secret, dangerous power!

She sleeps with her younger siblings!

Unfortunately, she seems to have a habit of coming across bad men who want to sexually assault her. Case in point, this gangster has her lined up as the next victim 😮

She’s been kidnapped in preparation. Wondering about the teddy bear?

Well turns out it’s not just for looking cute, she’s able to rip it apart to inflict damage to her foes, like a fluffy voodoo doll. Somehow she always ends up without a skirt when fighting, but she rocks the look. Also with her shirt open you can see she has a cute small chest!

She can also use her powers not to maim but to deter school bullies!

Another case of her wrecking a wretched would-by abuser! Note the subtle cameltoe in these drawings!

And once again, she;’s in trouble! The endless cycle continues!

I’m going to keep an eye on this one!

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