Weekly Round-up 4/01/2020

Time to put another week behind us, sit back and look at some of the recent highs, lows and lewds in the world of anime, manga and all things weeaboo.

But also, welcome to 2020!


I’m going to have a lot of fun this year tracking and cataloging the fanservice week by week, from start to finish! I think it might be shaping up as a better year for ecchi than 2019 already so I’m definitely keen.

As for this first week to usher in the new year – as expected it’s rather quiet, with most shows wrapping up or already finished. The only big hitter left, Jet Girls still hasn’t aired its last episode, and the couple of episodes of new season stuff that have aired are not even slightly lewd.

So I can say this is the weakest week yet, by far! On the upside, that meant I had some time to work on pages for the blog, covering all sorts of themes and kinks, which was a lot of fun!

Rifle is Beautiful #11

First bath scene of the year, and the decade I guess!


Darling in the Franxx vol 7

At least Yabuki Kentarou can always be relied upon to bring the booty and nipples, so the new volume of Darling in the Franxx offers some nice art as usual!

Light Novels

Cute Kunoichis Volume 1

Promotional Art


What did you enjoy this week? Have I missed anything scandalous? Feel free to comment!

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