
Goblin Slayer

Goblins are known for their ferocity, cunning, and rapid reproduction, but their reputation as the lowliest of monsters causes their threat to be overlooked. Raiding rural civilizations to kidnap females of other species for breeding, these vile creatures are free to continue their onslaught as adventurers turn a blind eye in favor of more rewarding assignments with larger bounties.

To commemorate her first day as a Porcelain-ranked adventurer, the 15-year-old Priestess joins a band of young, enthusiastic rookies to investigate a tribe of goblins responsible for the disappearance of several village women. Unprepared and inexperienced, the group soon faces its inevitable demise from an ambush while exploring a cave. With no one else left standing, the terrified Priestess accepts her fateā€”until the Goblin Slayer unexpectedly appears to not only rescue her with little effort, but destroy the entire goblin nest.

As a holder of the prestigious Silver rank, the Goblin Slayer allows her to accompany him as he assists the Adventurer’s Guild in all goblin-related matters. Together with the Priestess, High Elf, Dwarf, and Lizard-man, the armored warrior will not rest until every single goblin in the frontier lands has been eradicated for good.

Fanservice classification: LIGHT

Contains the following content:

Bathing Nudity Omorashi

Introducing.. Jinrouki Winvurga

Jinrouki Winvurga is a manga by Tsunashima Shirou published by Champion Red Comics which is a dark, violent and highly sexualised revenge story. The basic premise is that an innocent village is attacked by some kind of high-tech mecha-sporting empire which is hellbent on conquest and ruled by a hierarchy of sadistic psychos. The manga pulls no punches, as the men of the town are wiped out and the girls are brutally raped or taken away to be sold as slaves or just generally abused by the evil men and women behind the attack. Fortunately some escape and join forces with other wronged parties to fight back against the cruel tyrants!

The manga actually goes too far for my tastes sometimes and I have a pretty high tolerance for the gruesome and twisted – so if this isn’t sounding like you’re thing, stop here!

If you can appreciate a bit of exploitation in your media, see what’s in store in Jinrouki Winvurga below! Unfortunately only 4 chapters are translated which is a damn shame because it seems like a pretty good read and has great quality artwork! Hopefully it’ll get picked up again..

The sudden attack on the village sets this depraved tale in motion.

The soldiers have their way with the beautiful girls of the village..

Tragically this adored little girl ends up being killed by the commander before the eyes of our heroine to be, fueling her thirst for revenge!

Here’s our lady, a stunning, buxom beauty, currently chained as a captive..

Fortunately she managed to break out of peril, securing a mech in the process.

The raping and pillaging of this evil force continues unabated however.

One of the craziest introductions I’ve ever seen, this obscenely buff solider (of the evil force) is interrupted partaking in his harem of lovely naked girls and just strolls out with girls hanging off him like it’s nothing..

Back to main girl now and she finds herself having to distract one of the villainous soldiers and does so in impressive fashion – losing all her clothes and presenting herself for the taking..

However when her friend interrupts them and then he is commanded to withdraw he decides just to unload then and there, covering both of them in a suspicious white substance before parting ways.

When the friend regains consciousness she is greeted by the divine bare breasts of the heroine and promptly reacts with a nosebleed (clearly hrabouring yuri tendancies).

Meanwhile, even these cute girls in the military have it tough as they are harassed and raped by their brutish colleagues.

Fortunately they are saved by the gracious superior commander, who shows no mercy in dealing with them.

The battle with the lead heroine heats up again as she engages the evil nation in mecha combat only to find they are using the disturbing tactic of using female captives as a shield.

Elsewhere girls are auctioned off as slaves to the citizens of this wicked society.

Things aren’t going well for main girl who is captured once more and then forced to watch on helplessly as one of her friends is molested.

They attempt to fight back but are again thwarted!

This pushes the main character into berserk mode and the day is saved once more.. for now.

In a brief moment of respite the rescued girls bathe in a nearby oasis, giving us boobs galore!

But some fisticuffs still occur between the allies.

Moving back to the evil nation now and the superior commander is being punished, perhaps for failing to subdue the rebellion and letting the prisoners escape. In this debauched country, the punishment is being stripped and raped publicly!

Nevertheless she faces it bravely..

As onlookers and their slaves watch she is thoroughly debased.

However when it comes time for penetration she decides to fight back, knocking back her assailant with a well-earned headbutt.

Right before this can backfire terribly she is saved by her mecha pilot comrade in epic fashion. They then make out, putting on an inspiring display of love that rouses the sexy slaves in the crowd!

Back in the good guys camp, they’re now engaing in cosplay fun!

As always with this manga, the fun doesn’t last long as they one again find themselves captured and risking humiliating defeat. However this time, main girl turns the tables by applying seductive techniques! I’m glad she’s taking charge for a change.

Anyway that was the first 5 volumes of the manga. As you can see it’s totally depraved and gets quite dark at times. Somehow though, perhaps because of it’s great art quality it manages to be engaging and highly erotic. This author is definitely one to keep an eye on.

Volume 6 comes out next month!

This manga also has a lot of good lewd merchandise for it which gets released as a limited bonus for buying in-store! Here’s some I stumbled across online:

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