
Kekkou Kamen

First-year student Mayumi Takahashi attends a junior high school called Sparta Academy (スパルタ学園, Suparuta Gakuen), where the penalty for any student (usually girls) making the slightest mistake is being sexually humiliated by the perverted, corrupt and misogynistic teachers running the school, the principal being a demonic, jester-like villain named “Toenail of Satan”. However, before the teachers can take their sexual advances too far, Kekko Kamen steps in and delivers a sound beating to the teachers, and usually performs a finishing attack by jumping into the air and landing crotch-first onto her opponent’s face.

Kekkou Kamen OVA


Straight into the slightly surreal S&M Nazi play with a cute schoolgirl chained up and whipped by the punk-supremacist villain of the piece!

She deftly ships away each piece of clothing

Until finally her bra is torn away to reveal a gorgeous pair of breasts! Straight away you can see we’re in for some good boob animation, with the shapely titties well adapted from Go Nagai’s manga!

Kekkou Kamen whisks away the young damsel, showing off her own boobs in the process!

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Introducing… Super Real Mahjong

With the recent announcement of several entries in the Super Real Mahjong game series coming to Switch and the news that one of them had to be pulled from the Nintendo e-shop for further censorship, I thought it was a good time to do a bit of “research” into the topic. Being a fan of both mahjong and semi-dressed teenage anime girls, my interest was firmly piqued.

Super Real Mahjong is a long running game series by SETA corporation which revolves around competing with cute girls in one-on-one mahjong and featuring stripping/fanservice elements. The bedrock of the series has been its arcade releases and PC ports in Japan, which featured uncensored nudity of the girls when they lost one too many pieces of clothing. From the 4th in the series it started getting toned-down versions on mainstream consoles and gained a broad popularity.

In 1990 it even spawned an anime OVA, which I’ll do a separate review of at some point!

Here’s an overview of the main entries in the series – there are many other minor spinoffs and rereleases but these are the ones that introduce all the girls.

Super Real Mahjong PI -PIII

Super Real Mahjong started life as a series of three arcade games. The first game (1987) didn’t feature any cute girl or stripping and was a more strait forward mahjong versus game. With the second game released later that year, the game found its groove and introduced what it would become known for – animated stripping! The girl in this game was called Shoko (green hair above).

The third game continued the trend, this time introducing two different girls – Kasumi and Miki.

It’s break out of the arcade came as a release of P2 and P3 combined into a PC game.

Pics from:

Super Real Mahjong PIV

The fourth entry in the series really upped the ante on its artwork and the appeal of its undressing gals. This time it featured three girls – Mana, Yuu and Kaori.

This one got a console release on NES in 1993. The arcade and PC versions had the nudity goods while the NES version, naturally, had those elements removed.

Super Real Mahjong PV

The next installment came the year after, in 1994. This one again pushed new ground in the quality of its girls and artwork, featuring extended anime style clip sequences. Same story as the others, this one came out uncensored on PC/arcade, uncensored on Sega Saturn and on SNES as a different version.

This game has been released for the Switch in Japan

Super Real Mahjong PVI

Continuing the quality of 5, part 6 again hires a great bishoujo artist and features well-animated stripping sequences. One unique thing about this game is that it played up the schoolgirl elements well, especially on the loli-ish character of Tamami. Tamami starts off in bloomers and has a cute small chest.

This one again came out uncensored on PC and arcade as well as censored on Sega Saturn.

This game has been released for the Switch in Japan

Super Real Mahjong P7

1997 bought the 7th and perhaps final true entry in the series. It retained the great nudity and animation of the previous couple of games with a bustier, more mature set of girls. I find the twin-tailed Yurina especially cute!

Same deal as before with PC/arcade uncensored releases and a censored Sega Saturn port.

This game has been released for the Switch in Japan

Super Real Mahjong Dōsōkai

Handheld version released on Game Boy Advance in 2004 with the nudity elements removed. One thing this release had going for it is that it did feature all the girls from prior games.

Super Real Mah-jong

The original maker’s shift into mobile games was short-lived but provided plenty of eye-candy in the spirit of the original games. Released on android, it featured the usual strip mechanics with a lot of artwork, including of the cast from earlier games. Predictably it was delisted from the puritanical Google Play store and ultimately closed its servers. After then, production of the franchise went to a different firm, Mighty Craft.

Anime OVA

The first generation of girls (P2 – PIII) were lucky enough to be featured in a proper anime OVA in 1990. It was only a single half hour episode but provided lots of good animated scenes of the girls. Perhaps not surprisingly, it featured more fanservice than Mahjong…

I’ll probably do a full post on this at some point!

Series Future

Under Mighty Craft, the franchise has now moved to a focus on mobile with games being released for Android which of course don’t feature the lewd elements and are suitable for 13+.

It still has a lasting popularity however, as shown by the release of three of the older games on Nintendo Switch. The Switch versions may be censored, but only as minimally as they can to get a rating, still making them good fanservice content,

As for whether we’ll get more nudity from the series, that remains to be seen. I’ll

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