
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha

Nanoha is a classic that holds a special place in my heart. In 2004 it was a trailblazer in a new mini lolicon boom, which saw a number of loli-focused fanservice anime come out in the following few years.

The cute and sexy leading duo of Fate and Nanoha quite literally became poster children for loli fans. While the fanservice in the show was very retrained, the producers really pushed the sex appeal in the marketing materials. I’ve got the artbooks and posters to prove it! For that reason, while other loli franchises fell to the wayside, it became an enduring stalwart for fans. Even when they aged-up Nanoha and Fate, there was still a new generation for the old fans.

But more than that, it was also a very entertaining series in its own right, with an engaging stories, characters to root for, plenty of magical girl cuteness, and much more! It was an otaku hit for a reason!


Nanoha Takamachi, an ordinary third-grader who enjoys spending time with her family and friends, rescues an injured ferret that she had dreamed about the night before. The next day, the ferret cries out to her telepathically, asking Nanoha to save him. The ferret reveals himself to be Yuuno Scrya, a mage from another world who is trying to collect the dangerous 21 Jewel Seeds that he accidentally scattered across the world. He enlists Nanoha’s help, gifting her the magical wand Raising Heart, and teaches her how to become a powerful mage.

Days later, after reclaiming a few of the Jewel Seeds, another mage appears: Fate Testarossa. Stronger than Nanoha, Fate refuses to divulge her reasons in trying to collect the Jewel Seeds. Nanoha senses a melancholy in her eyes, but Fate refuses to communicate. Directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha is a story about the clash of emotions when goals collide.

Let’s take a look at the sexy elements of this first season though:

It started small, with a sneaky Nanoha upskirt in the first episode! Interestingly, she’s always depicted wearing pink panties after this first episode.

Then the transformation scene came along and we knew what we were in for. Lingering on the underwear and nudity, it certainly didn’t hide its famservice intent.
It’s one of the most memorable transformation sequences, so here’s the full clip!

This simple scene of Nanoha getting undressed is so cute!

The series actually had an onsen episode, which of course meant plenty of fanservice!
It’s not all about the loli!
Nanoha’s school friend is cute!
Boob grabbing – tick!
Nanoha’s other friend is definitely the most 100% loli of the group, but that didn’t stop her joining in the fun!
The bathing itself was fairly underwhelming, as towels were worn! Shame!
There it is! One of my most memorable panty shots, clearly showing her pink pantsu!

Ah, the classic clone in a tank! Always a good reason for nudity.

Godanner Season II


In 2042, alien threats known as the Mimetic beasts (擬態獣, gitaijū) laid waste to Japan. During a final battle against the Mimetic beasts, Goh Saruwatari defeats the alien “boss” and saves his future fiancé, Anna Aoi, with his robot, the Dannar.[7]

Now, on their wedding day, the Mimetic beasts emerge after five years of tranquility. Goh and Dannar are called to action, forcing Goh to leave Anna at the altar.

As Goh struggles in his battle against the Mimetic beast, Anna stumbles upon a sealed robot known as “Neo Okusaer”. She is able to activate and pilot the Neo Okusaer to save her “husband” by merging it with the Dannar to activate the Godannar’s Twin Drive.

Like many of the late-night anime of this era, the promotional and DVD artwork was not shy in using sex appeal to sell the show, with the girls in skimpy clothes and gravure poses!

The series itself certainly knows how to flaunt its lovely ladies, but isn’t as ecchi as it seems to have a reputation for. In fact, it’s not as trashy as it appears and is an entertaining show of a decent quality!
One thing it does nail is the breast jiggle, certainly giving GAINAX a run for its money!
The show’s top-grade boobs are shown off right away in the first episode of season 2, bouncing alluringly.
Panty-shots are thankfully also included in Godanner, although they’yre the simply, fleeting type!

Another good shot to show off the girls’ curvey figure!
Great change room scene with animated undressing!
A funny example of a dramatic moment taking care to accentuate breasts and butt.
2 girls 1 tub, the good, clean fun variety!
This short skirt led to the best panty-shot moments I spotte in this season.

Ojousama being dressed, I’m happy to bare witness!

Sexy innuendo!
Bloomers are a great choice for girls in the cockpit!

The nudity isn’t too frequent, but when it appears it’s nice!

This scene managed to be one of the hottest in the whole show, with the female cast lounging around in tight-fitting bikini that really profile their breasts and behinds to perfection! The nipples poking through the thin fabric is a great touch!

Kudos to whoever designed these uniforms!

Weekly Round-Up 27/07/20

Time to put another week behind us, sit back and look at some of the recent highs, lows and lewds in the world of anime, manga and all things weeaboo.

Overall this was a pretty quiet week, mainly due to the already scant few anime with service airing at the moment decided to focus on plot for their final episode. Thankfully, Plunderer stepped up to fill the void, with some lewdiness. I’ve been getting more into manga at the moment, and been working on a few posts and discovering some new series!



The single saving grace for anime on television this week, Plunderer delivered the goods for an undressed finale!
Starting with cute exposed underwear!
And finishing up on aggressive stripping

Wow, what a figure! Love this angle.


Tsugumomo’s last episode fell flat in ecchi terms, but in some good news, the artist behind last week’s endcard posted the uncensored version on their twitter! Thank you, Uran!


Ayakashi Triangle

The third chapter of Ayakashi Triangle finally seems to heating up. The MC has transformed into a girl, promising additional chance for fanservice and humerous scenarios, like accidentally trying to use the male urinal without realising!
Bathing sequences, what Yabuki Kentarou does best
And, well, I’m intrigued to see where this relationship goes!

Maou Toubatsu shita Ato, Medachitakunai node Guild Master ni Natta Manga Vol.2

Light Novels

Nothing really from the light novel realm this week. orz


Finally, a PV has been released for Dokyuu Hentai HxEros which reveals its true potential – great ecchi scenes! Looks like they’ll do a good job capturing the manga’s sexy moments and set themselves up for some uncensored blu-ray sales!

These new Date a Live figures a super hot, especially the bunny girl; I’m sorry but, DAT ASS.
I will be buying this lewd game, thank god they didn’t try release it on puritanical PlayStation.
Figure based on art from prominent doujinshi illustrator, Anmi.


Hope you enjoyed the post, see you next week!

Weekly Round-Up 20/06

Time to put another week behind us, sit back and look at some of the recent highs, lows and lewds in the world of anime, manga and all things weeaboo.

Welcome to mid-June everyone! It seems like the world is going mad at the moment, so I hope wherever you are you can be safe and relaxed to properly enjoy the escapism of anime and manga! Being the middle of the month, there’s a little less going on in the industry, but I have been busy discovering some very new enticing manga and capturing the anime fanservice from back in 2004, so there should be some new posts coming soon!



Interesting costume idea!
Would love to see what’s under those beams <3


The usual Clair in her swimsuit!


The big announcement of the week was that Mashima Hiro’s (author of Fairy Tail) new manga is getting an anime adaptation. The manga can basically be summed up as Fairy Tail in space, which means plenty more sexy ladies, bathing scenes, and other kinds of fanservice.
The new issue of it’s manga magazine included a heap of colour illustrations of its ladies in bikinis. Lucy 2.0 is smokin’ hott!
The even had cosplay gravure!

New discovery.. Alcafus!

I mentioned this last week when I say the amazing bathing action from the latest chapter. So this week I did some searching and found out that a lot of it is translated on mangadex. I instantly became enamoured by it and powered through the whole thing. This is one of my new favourite mangas. It’s got:
  • Sexy lolis
  • Hot slave cat-girls
  • Erotic bathing scenes
  • Superb lewd artwork
  • Pretty decent and engaging plot
  • Cool action
I’ll be posting a whole blog entry about it this week. In the mean time I voted for it on Seven Seas publishing survey as one I want to see licensed!

Kinky Yuri, anyone?

Volume 2 of this manga I hadn’t heard of before caught my eye on AkibaBlog. It’s called Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii (the dirty you is the cutest) and seems to be about a perverted girl-girl relationship themed around a dominant girl shaming and humiliating the cute blonde girl. This manga, she tormented her by making her a baby!

Yabuki Kentarou’s new mamga starts

The new manga from boob artist legend, Yabuki Kentarou, is off to a .. tame start. The main girl is very cute but the lack of panties and nipples is very disappointing.

Light Novels

Dungeon Busters Volume 1

This barely counts as clothing!

S-rank Bouken-shadearu Volume 1

Very sexy bathing scene!

Boku no Kanojo Sensei Volume 7 Illust.

Hooray for panchira!

Assassins Pride vol 12

Assassin’s Pride knows no shame, letting us admire the underwear of its petite girls!

Female Knight vol 2

What a lewd body!


Bonus illustrations for the Konosuba game!

Sexy Mikan Figure!

Illya girls looking hot in the promo art for a pop-up store!



Hope you enjoyed the post, see you next week!

Weekly Round-Up

Time to put another week behind us, sit back and look at some of the recent highs, lows and lewds in the world of anime, manga and all things weeaboo.

This ended up being a pretty exciting week for ecchi fans with a whole slew of manga lewds and announcements, sexy loli action in Tsugumomo (and the nipple-inclusive release of its first blu-ray!), and plenty of other wholesome goodness.


Tsugumomo #10

Let’s jump straight into the best part of the week – Tsugumomo!
Kinda hard to capture it in screenshots but let’s just say that this woman was doing suspiciously lewd things with this cute loli.

Sunao is super cute when she’s naked!

And one of the best bathing scenes from the manga finally gets animated! An onsen trip culminates in two soapy lolis enjoying each other’s company a little too much.!

Stitches by @wtosh_

Nice endcard!

Tsugumomo Blu-Ray 1

And now for the first uncensored blu-ray! Unfortunately these episodes weren’t the raunchiest, but still provided good nipple opportunities!

This guy gets bathed by so many beauties!

Sexy times!

Gleipnir #10

Gleipnir wasn’t too generous this week, but still can’t help but admire Kurea’s figure!

Stitches by @wtosh_

Nami yo Kiitekure #11

Good shower shot!


Ayakashi Triangle

Ecchi legend Yabuki Kentarou has announced the start of his next manga series! It looks like a battle school setting, but one thing’s for sure, it had better include plenty of bare breasts and panties!

Yuuna Final Chapter

The time is right for a new ecchi series, as Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san has just concluded, living a big void to fill. The final chapter came with a sexy onsen colour spread and news that a new anime OVA is on its way!

HenSuki New Chapter

The HenSuki manga is still going strong, with the latest chapter containing some very interesting perverted activites!

Alcafus #19

In the same volume of Gekkan Dragon Age, the latest chapter of Alcafus (19) had a pretty spicy bathing scene! I’m going to have to read this manga..

I’m Not a Lolicon! Chapter 8

This superb loli manga got an obligatory pee chapter which was as amusing as it was sexy!

Trinity Seven #23

Nice new illustration for volume 23 of Trinity Seven.

Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet

Sexy new illustrations for Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet! Persia is so sexy in her garters!

Light Novels

Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi Vol.8 Textless illustration

Lewd dog-girls in dungeons? Yes!

Via @kiyoe_sans

Tensei Maou no Juliet Vol.2

Yummy bathing illustration!

Assassins Pride Volume 12

Yes I’ll join in!

Hentai Dorei-chan to Katabutsu Yuusha-san to Vol 2


Peter Grill to Kenja no Jikan

Upcoming ecchi anime Peter Grill got another trailer that better highlighted its eroticism and clearly showed nipples are on the way (though perhaps only in Blu-Ray!)

Hiro Mashima’s successor to Fairy Tail, Eden’s Zero got an anime announced! The sci-fi themed manga contains plenty of sexy girls and fanservice!
Some nice new upcoming figures!

This girl’s design is so cute!

Railgun T x Tenka Hyakken Zan

This Railgun crossover is a little sexy, although it’s a shame there couldn’t be just a little more damage!


Hope you enjoyed the post, see you next week!

Weekly Round-Up 05/06/21

Time to put another week behind us, sit back and look at some of the recent highs, lows and lewds in the world of anime, manga and all things weeaboo.

It’s been a stressful week to say the least, so it’s always good to have some sexiness to review at the end of it! Tsugumomo was extra this week with a peeing scene at the start and then climaxing with a loli bodywash sequence after the credits. If ample boobs are more your style, Gleipnir and Princess Connect! Re Dive have some goodies for you! There hasn’t been so much in the way of new light novel and manga volume releases, but scanlators made up for that with some releases of some wholesome ecchi titles!



Oh hell yeah, don’t object dude


The monster of the week has the right idea! The nipples are a nice touch.

Princess Connect Re Dive

And a surprise beach episode from Princess Connect with some truly stunning swimsuits!


Bokuben’s latest chapter release gets a nice colour illustration!

Dokyuu Hentai HxEros

The latest translated chapter is all about karaoke..yep

Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo

The thrilling conclusion to the 4-part ‘Soap’ arc gives us the best slave sex scene yet! Roxanne is a goddess! This deserves an anime adaptation.

Light Novels

Tanaka the Wizard vol 11

I don’t really follow this franchise but I’m down with this illustration from the new volume.

Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi

The next volume will see the end of the story for this revenge-rape epic! The manga for this is truly nuts and I can’t wait for the shitstorm the anime will cause.

I’m a huge OreImo fan but lean towards Kirino, so the recent Ayase IF novel (giving an Ayase happy end) didn’t appeal to me much. However I have a soft spot for both Kanako and Kuroneko so now I’m interested!


Oregairu gets new maid promotional art and HOT DAMN those are some fine girls.


What did you enjoy this week? Have I missed anything scandalous? Feel free to comment!

Divergence Eve Misaki Chronicles

Divergence Eve is definitely you’re classic anime kind of anime, with an art style that’s just like your concerned grandma would picture when she heard the word anime. The promotional artwork does not muck around – this show is drawn with big ass, big tittties and it makes no apologies.

Despite the air of trashiness it also has a proper story and it’s not nearly as ecchi as you would be lead to believe. Given that its animation looks so poor, I think they wasted the opportunity to make up for it with more nudity and raunchiness.

You’ve gotta respect miniskirts for giving that extra amount of panty potential.

They love drawing this girl’s sizeable breasts in her underwear.

Not sure what’s going on here tbh..
General T&A is often on the cards!

Choujuushin Gravion Zwei

Gravion is a popular anime franchise by studio Gonzo which combined mecha stories with a focus on cute, sexy girls and moe. The first series aired in 2002, and the second, Gravion Zwei, in 2004. It’s trashy Gonzo at it’s peak and marketed its girls hard for the otaku crowd, giving plenty of sexiness over the years.

Just look at some of these promo and Megami pinup illustrations!

Unlike a lot of other shows of this ilk though, Gravion has some other things going for it that make it worth watching such as a self-parodying tone, and 80s-style mecha animation. The amount of fanservice in the show is just enough that you wouldn’t class it as ecchi but it’s still got the goods!

The service kicks off with an onsen episode early in the series, showing the series has the strength to show nipples right off the bat!
This girl is shy about being naked around others – cute!
Sadly she isn’t given the nipple treatment!

Like most of shows of this era, it’s females get a uniform that does wonders for their figure!
Although they’re not super frequent, some nice panty-shots are spread throughout the show.
And the T&A is on-point!
Being a partial comedy, there’s plenty of room for dressing up and other silly antics!

Later in the show, this girl gets the nipple treatment in a great shower shot!


Love Love? is a part of the suite of ecchi-related anime produced under the banner of Masters Of Entertainment (m.o.e) which at the forefront of exploiting late-night satellite television for the niche otaku market. They produced a series of short-episode anime series in the early 2000’s, some of which were interelated.

Love Love features characters and some plot elements with two of their other series, CosPrayers and Hit wo Nerae. As with all m.o.e series, it features gratuitous nudity, panty-shots and fetishistic elements aimed at moe-loving otaku!

We kick off with a bikini photo shoot at the beach, with careful camera work capturing some stunning features!

Then it’s panty-shots galore when we switch to school life! Thanks to some divine wind and clumsiness, a great range of panties are given screen time!

This is an intro screen to an early episode and it’s genius!
The show does have some loli characters but still delivers in the boob department.

Cute panties!
Petite girls + bloomers = success!

Back to the beach, this time with all the gals splashing around and enjoying each other!

And here it is, the first proper titties and they are damn fine! I live the way this studio draws nipples!

And there’s plenty more to come when they hit the onsen and MC gets predictably caught up in an unplanned mixed bathing situation!
Plenty of chances to admire these beautiful breasts!
And it gets even better when these two end up in a war of words over love that somehow leads to them pressing their bodies up against each other!

Later we get to witness a close encounter in the gym storage room!

As we get to the characters filming the show they’re producing within the anime, we get some spicier scenes, including time with tentacles.

These two are so cute!
Sweet dreams indeed!

All the girls get a turn at wearing seductive aprons with nothing underneath – the coveted ‘naked apron’!.
There’s also cosplaying in the playboy bunny outfit!

I love that the lolis aren’t excluded from the action – this series caters to all!

Cute butts in the changing area!

This is one way to get over writers’ block??
OK this fantasy just hit maximum!

Fancy bra and panties can be seen in the change rooms!
Loli girl enters the showers
And thankfully stays topless for a while, showing her cute chest.

Shower scene with a few of the girls!
Back to filming and things are getting a bit kinky with a sexualised whipping scene!
The MC starts to blur fantasy and reality as he writes the shows’ devious script. This scene, the punished girl ends up submitting to him.
And he writes this girl being humiliated with swimsuit-eating fish in the pool.
The tanned loli girl is depicted in kindergarten attire and then string up reveal panties.
But embarrassment is just the beginning, as the climactic scene has the girls topless and strung up, captives to the villain of the piece.
Back to normal reality and some lighter fanservice!

The daily life of filming the show continues.

And if you like schoolgirl fanservice, you’re in for a treat with some bloomers and school swimsuit scenes!

An argument you don’t want to break up!

Now that’s flat!
A parting pantyshot.

Burn Up Scramble!

Burn Up Scramble was the last entry in the Burn Up! franchise, a 12 episode series releases in 2004 with a different look at feel to the previous entries. Burn Up Scramble is emblematic of the female battle team genre of anime that was still booming at the start of 2004, using its working women and action settings to service fans with busty girls in mini-skirts, skimpy outfits, change rooms and panty shots. Suits me just fine!


Set in AD. 2023, Tokyo the government is concerned about the increase in major criminal organizations, terrorists and other threats to the security of society. This leads to the formation of special extralegal police team from within the Metro Police Section 8 Branch called Warrior. Under their Commander, the team combines the talents of martial arts expert Rio Kinezono and skilled marksman and gun expert Maya Jingu. They are joined later by the shy Lilica Evette who uses her psychic powers to assist them in their crime-solving adventures. Later, the Police Council create obedient New Warriors to replace the original Warriors. These New Warriors are genetically modified humans with superhuman strength gained via drugs and based on data obtained from monitoring Rio and Maya’s missions.

The promotional art for the series was always sure to demonstrate the sex appeal of its heroines!

Naked apron, that’s one way to get your viewer’s attention!

The bathing scenes are well done, using the opportunity for great eye candy, even sneaking in some nipple glimpses!

Rio’s hot body is shown off well in underwear..
…and even better without!
And she’s not the only one, her teammates are all given the chance to appear sans clothing.

There’s plenty of shots of Rio in various states of undress, and one particularly good moment where she’s topless and her nipples are fully exposed.

One massive charm point in Rio’s favor is her tendency to wear cute bear panties, and they’re frequently visible. How cute!
Panty-shots are once of the show’s strengths , with lots of styles to be seen and some generous camera angles to help get that glimpse!

There’s some moments where it shows a kinky streak to it, with references to bondage and candle play.

But there’s no doubt what most fans are here for, these hot bodies!

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