Weekly Round-Up 27/12

Time to put another week behind us, sit back and look at some of the recent highs, lows and lewds in the world of anime, manga and all things weeaboo.

The year is starting to wind down now, but anime perverts never sleep and there’s still some good content coming out (though mostly thanks to blu-ray releases!)


Strike Witches S3

Strike Witches S3 never reached its potential for fanservice I guess, but oh well here’s some panties and butts!

Kamisama Day

Ochikobore Fruit Tart

Fruit Tart is easily anime of the season, delivering yet more moe fanservice this week! Here’s some simple recipes for sexiness:


Sukumizu + randoseru!

Maid+print panties!

Stitches by @wtosh_ https://twitter.com/wtosh_?lang=en

Assault Lily: BOUQUET

Anoither meh towel-laden bath scene from Assault Lily.

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Sexy guild leader.

Strike Witches 4 OVA3-4

Now for the good stuff: new Strike the Blood OVAs! It’s filled to the brim with underwear and nudity!

Cute polka-dot nun!

Topless shot:

Let the lewd begin!

Dokyu Hentai HxEros Blu-ray vol 4

And we also got the latest volume of HxEros on blu-ray. I’ll do a full review of the series soon, but here’s some preview pics in the mean time:



Ryuuou no Oshigoto! Vol.14


Merry Christmas artwork from How Not to Summon a Demon Lord!

Danmachi Gacha Art


Hope you enjoyed the post, see you next week!

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