Weekly Round-Up 9/05

Time to put another week behind us, sit back and look at some of the recent highs, lows and lewds in the world of anime, manga and all things weeaboo.

Another pretty typical ‘Spring 2020’ week this week, in the sense that there’s a good dose of fanservice from Tsugumomo, a healthy display of underwear from Gleipnir and not a lot else. Since its mid-month and perhaps due to the coronavirus effects, manga and light novel volume releases are also pretty slow.

To fill the void I’ve picked another year to go back to and do a deep dive of ecchi/fanservice, going through all the anime and making an epic annual review post. This time I’ve gone back further to the nostalgic days of 2004! So look forward to lots of content there!


Gleipnir #5

Gleipnir never lets us down when it comes to the beautifully detailed bra and panty shots. Seriously, they must have a whole team on this! Finally a studio gets its priorities right.
I’ve started reading the manga a d let me say that the anime really goes above and beyond in the service respect !

Tsugumomo #5

Tsugumomo was its usual self today, delivering wholesome bathing scenes and daring loli fanservice!

Great loli service, I salute thee!

Nami yo Kiitekure #6

haven’t been following this anime but this shot caught my eye for obvious reasons!

Plunderer #17

Would you plunder her boobs?


The new volume of manga Sataphony has its sexy girls fighting and lewding in equal measure, a thrilling concoction!

Light Novels

Nothing to report this week really! 🙁


New anime announced with an intriguing key visual.. But after doing some digging, I don’t think it’ll be as spicy as this image suggests.
Tasty new Railgun dakimakura!

Oof.. this Meya figure has some amazing sex appeal. Love the pose!
Now that I’m a hundred hours into persona 5 royal, let’s just say that I truly appreciate the splendor of best girl, Kasumi. This figure captures her charm so well!

I cast wait to see this loli figure painted, if they nail the print panties then my wallet will fly open.


What did you enjoy this week? Have I missed anything scandalous? Feel free to comment!

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