My Slave is Way Too Cheerful vol 1

Being the avid fan of slave girls that I am, I just had to report this discovery: a new ecchi comedy about an overly cheerful slave girl! It’s called Uchi no Dorei ga Akarusugiru (or, My Slave is Way Too Cheerful) and the first volume just hit stores.

Little Akiba took some snaps of the volume as they usually do, and it definitely looks like my cup of tea!

The titular slave girl graces the cover in chains and two-piece rags.

The hero is on a quest to rescue the slave and finds her not jyst chained up but blindfolded and gagged too; what kind of kinky shit went down here??

Upon being rescued he discovers that she’s way too unphased and upbeat, happily introducing herself as a 16 year old slave girl.

She also seems happy to join in on the ecchi cliches! It’s a comedy so it isn’t too lewd, but has some light eye candy nonetheless!

I’ll be keeping an eye on this one!

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