The Ideal Slave: Eleanour from Urigirareta S Rank

A sale price record has been broken at the Krishna Slave auction! A beautiful, young (age 20) former noble went for a generous 13,000 gold. To put that in perspective, you could almost buy two houses with that amount of gold!

Even more shocking, the buyer is someone who was previously against the slave industry! What turned him from a slave critic to the highest bidder? Well, it was a classic case of love at first sight!

The bidding started slowly, and he suddenly upped the ante up to a sizeable 10,000 gold. In a tense exchange, some other wealthy bidders tried to get keep things going, but when he jumped up again, this time to 13,000, the hammer went down on the record purchase!

Following up on this remarkable exchange, it seems that his money was well spent as Eleanour turned out to be the dream slave in every way! She’s beautiful, submissive, eloquent and a virgin!

Right from the get go, she made a great impression, bowing humbly to introduce herself and then immediately gifting her contracted share of the profit to new new master as a pledge of trust!

Her second gesture was even more endearing, as she declined an offer to have her collar removed. She has not just accepted but embraced her role as a slave, happy for her servitude to be on display around her neck.

But the real test always comes in the bathroom and bedroom. This is when we find out the slave’s aptitude and willingness for pleasing their master sexually. Eleanour not only complied but actually took the lead, recognising that her new master was inexperienced, she carefully and skilfully pleased her master.

After offering to wash him, she licks and then takes his manhood into her mouth, suggesting she relieve him.

In a show of submission, she asks for her master to cum into her mouth and then dutifully swallows it all.

Finalising her nightly duties, she kindly asks for her master to have sex with her.

But her talents as a sex slave don’t end there, she spends her days thinking about, and even researching how better to please her master. Recognising his dormant, dominant nature, she resolves to encourage him to restrain and spank her. But it’s not good if you don’t enjoy what you do, and Elenaour thankfully seems to be a natural M!

Some other examples of Eleanours activities from the light novel!

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