Fanservice Report: Tsukuyomi Moon Phase Anime

Tsukuyomi Moonphase is a rather unique anime adaptation of a manga which aired back in 2004. The manga continued well beyond this point until 2008, but that’s a post for another day.

Moonphase is part love comedy, part gothic romance and part supernatural thriller, a combination made all the more outlandish by the experimental direction choices by studio Shaft. It was a relatively enjoyable show on the whole but the thing that stuck with me was it’s lolicon elements – in particular the Moe and slightly sexualised depictions of the young vampire, Hazuki ( who is also this site’s logo).

There’s not a lot of fanservice scenes per se but the imagery in the OP,ED and end cards all plays up this angle quite well.

Episode 1 drew me in right away with an unforgettable bath scene. The way it accentuates her loli appeal is just too good for words and must be witnessed:

Another nice bathing moment from much later in the series shows off her body again.

In basically the only shared bathing moment Hazuki is embraced by another woman, ending up adorably flustered!

Another Loli is introduced via bath scene, this cutie can be admired relaxing in the onsen. Not nearly as cute as Hazuki but two lolis are better than one!

But it’s the extra drawings of Hazuki in the end cards, eye catches and ED artwork that really sell her. She’s displayed in all manner of wondrous outfits from being naked under a cape, to bloomers and even a maid, all while sporting her trademark cat ears.

Clearly I wasn’t the only one with a crush on Hazuki, as these little gacha figures were sold based on this artworks:

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